Superfoods,rich in...
- anti aging nutrients,
-antioxidant anti aging,

These are blue berries,
-and berries,
contain most powerful anti-oxidants called anthocyanin.

superfoods,rich in anti aging nutrients,antioxidant anti aging,anti-oxidant,anti-oxidants.Theses Superfoods are blue berries,berries contain most powerful anti-oxidants called anthocyanin,a most powerful antioxidants ever found on earth.

Blueberries, The Anti Aging Superfood,contain lot of anti aging nutrients,rich in anti-oxidant.

If you want to counteract the physical and mental effects of aging, then try eating more blueberries! This powerful little berry is loaded with antioxidants that help mop up free radicals associated with disease and aging. Not only that but it is loaded with nutrients and tastes good too!

In fact, when it comes to antioxidants blueberries have the highest capacity of any food - along with other berries like strawberries and blackberries. Blueberries contain compounds that help to keep cells from aging, helping you to look and feel younger and they also help with your mental capacity too.

Blueberries are loaded with anthocyanin which is what gives them their wonderful color. This compound as well as the anti inflammatory properties of blueberries is also thought to slow down the loss of mental function that is so often associated with aging. In fact, researchers report that blueberries might even help with slow down the cognitive deterioration that comes with Alzheimer's disease.

Another age related problem that,superfoods, blueberries can help ward off is loss of coordination and balance - a major factor in age related accidents. Recent studies showed that people who ate 1 cup of blueberries a day performed 5% better in motor function skills than those who ate no blueberries.

Per serving, blueberries pack a wallop of nutritional value while having few calories. They are also a low glycemic index food meaning that that they won't spike up your blood sugar like other fruits. They are packed with anti aging nutrients flavinoids, tannins, anti-oxidants, phyto-chemcials, iron, manganese, Vitamin C, and vitamin E - all of which can help prevent serious illness and disease.

Since the compounds found in blueberries can protect your DNA from damage, it is thought that they can play a role in preventing such deadly disease as cancer and heart disease. In addition, researchers also believe they may help reduce the damage done after a stroke as well as prevent urinary tract infections, lower cholesterol and improve eye sight. Due to its high anti-inflammatory properties, it is also though that blueberries can help provide some relief to those that suffer from arthritis,through its anti-oxidants.

While all this is evidence that blueberries can help your body on the inside, what about the outside?

When it comes to looking younger, blueberries can't be missed! It seems that inflammation is a major cause of skin aging and wrinkling so, once again, the powerful anti inflammatory properties of blueberries come into play. In fact, the world renowned dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone recommends including blueberries in your daily diet in order to help your skin look younger.

Unlike some other anti aging foods,superfoods, blueberries are readily available and easy to eat. You can include them on your cereal, eat them with yogurt or ice cream and include them in a huge bowl of fruit for a snack. Heck, they even taste great by themselves! So why not make it a point to include blueberries in your daily diet today - your body will thank you for it tomorrow!

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