Bio identical hormones, -bioidentical hormones progesterone, -bioidentical testosterone, -bioidenticals estrogen, -where as bio identical hormone phytoestrogen are
-SAFEST , -natural, -proven agents for anti aging.
Bio identical hormones testosterone,bioidentical hormones progesterone,bioidentical estrogen,bioidenticals phytoestrogen,bio identical hormone are SAFEST ,natural,proven agent for anti aging
What is bio identical hormones? -are a group of hormones -whose molecular structure are identical to our body's produced hormones -are produced by genetic engineering, by slicing that gene in the human cell ,inserted into that of the bacteria.Bacteria is therefore fooled to believe that it is their genes, and start producing the hormones.Then we harvest from them. -another source is from plant. Eg, phyto-estrogen,is plant based estrogen that has similar molecular structure to that in human.
Benefits of bio identical hormones. -it mimic similar activity to that of human hormones -has same metabolic properties -similar pharmacological properties -hence, exhibit the least side effects,complications -it is not a true chemically produced drugs, as we all feared -has similar potency, and effectiveness